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sacred feminine mystery school
{a 12 week initiation

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darling one,
do you feel the song of the wild in your bones?
the whispers of the ancient Goddess rising
within the deep waters of your womb?
you were made for this, sister
born of the sweetest love and holy blood
go boldly towards your truth blessed one
step into your sacred power 
the call of the grandmothers guiding you
deeper into your cyclic nature 
back into the arms of Her

Welcome home dear soul,


If you have found this page you are feeling a deep calling in your bones. The call of The Sacred Feminine as she welcomes you home with open arms.


She is the one who rests amongst the dance of sun and moon. Who breathes life into the beating heart of the forest and rides freely on the surf of the waves. She sings in the howling winds and growls from the deep caves of the Earth. She is you. You are She. 


This 12-week group initiation provides a deep and loving container to explore the ancient craft of holding sacred feminine spaces.


We will walk the ancient path trodden for us by the wise women and elders who came before, and tend to the wounds that have been gouged over a millennia of suppressing the feminine way. We will go into the fires of love together and learn to hold space for all of it. Unconditionally. 


Our mission is to support the rise of the feminine to birth a new paradigm of global leadership. We invite women + womb folk who make the conscious choice to dive in deep, experience personal transformation, find deep purpose, and a joyful reclamation of their own feminine gifts.


If these words resonate, this initiation is for you.



You are invited to answer the howl of the wild that beckons to you from a place buried deep within. 


Listen to the song rising on the lunar tides of your womb.


The whispers of the grandmothers... calling you home.


To the ancestral wisdom and ancient magic that lies dormant in your bones.

To the true extent of your personal power and unique gifts. 

To your healing grace and gentle heart. 

To the open arms of an expanding sisterhood forged through fierce love.

To the soft exhale of forgiveness and letting go. 

To the knowledge that is your birthright to embody. 

To the sweetness of holding and being held in all you are.

To the music of laughter, togetherness and community.

To the grief of loss and tending to old wounds.

To the unravelling of shadow and shining a light into deep caves. 

To remembering our cyclic nature, permission to rest and be still.

To the mystery of it all. The mystery of life.


Do you feel it sister? 


The wild woman is calling you home.


do you feel the call?

This mystery school is for...

Women/womb folk with vision, curiosity and a deep summoning in their bones.

Women/womb folk with a longing for the sacred sanctity of sisterhood.
Those who wish to reclaim the ancestral ways and hold feminine communities/circles.
Those who wish to lead and uplift others into feminine leadership and re-wild our Earth.

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"Molly is a magical being that guides you softly on a deep journey into discovering things you about yourself that you never knew where there. I gained so much confidence in who I am as my authentic self. I would recommend this to all that want to understand our history and feel more connected to the wider world. It’s a beautiful course that left me feeling connected to my new inspiring community and grateful to have Molly holding us all so safely. It’s deep & absolutely incredible. Love love loved it."


"I didn't realise that such a beautiful and sacred space could be held online. The session were deep, healing, informative, beautiful and inspiring. I will stay connected to the sisters that I met for life and refer to the course materials regularly. Thank you Molly for the most beautiful start to the year, for your intention and attention. I honestly couldn't recommend the Sacred Sisterhood Circle Facilitator Training enough. I have come away from it with so much than i can say. Thank you, thank you!"


"Thank you for such an amazing, inspiring and healing 3 months. I joined this course a time of feeling quite lost and it was exactly what I needed. The relationships I’ve built with the women during this time feels so special and I’m so grateful for. I feel so connected to my own femininity and the history and ancestry of the women that came before me. This course has invigorated me in soo many ways and I’m so grateful and honoured to have been apart of this journey and experience"

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bring light to the shadow

This immersion will initiate you into the abundant ways of the feminine. Not for the faint of heart - this mystery school will invite you deeply into unlearning and de-conditioning the colonial and patriarchal paradigms you have encoded within your stories. 


We will work to decondition the competition paragdigms engrained within each of us to make space for truth, authenticity and creativity to flow.


This is your invitation to step into and experience your true power as a leader within a new paradigm. Go deeper into the feminine way, HERstory and bring light to the shadows and wounds that keep us small and powerless.



plant your intentions

Find your unique magic, personal gifts and authentic voice to share what is meaningful to you with the world.


You will receive all you need to make the steps forward into leading, guiding and creating beautiful spaces for women and womb folk to re-wild, explore, be vulnerable and witness one another. Nourish the seeds of your own intentions as well as stepping into a global mission of re-wilding and reclaiming the wisdom of our ancestors.​



thrive in feminine leadership

Share from your heart and step into your full power as a new paradigm leader. Create spaces full of joy, friendship, healing, love and truth, sprinkling your own unique magic into the world.


Learn practical tools and share in the delights of sisterhood spaces as you share your message whilst continuing to inspire and be inspired by others.


The circle of women shall live on.


12-week virtual initiation split into three x 4-week spirals.

12 x weekly group calls (on zoom)

in-depth supporting course content portal with journaling, meditations + ritual library

practice circles + pod support

supportive community group on WhatsApp

​1-2-1 mentorship call with course leader (Molly)


Next intake begins September 2024




Reclamation + Healing

  • A global reclamation of ancient feminine wisdom and the rising of Herstory.

  • Forming relationship with the Great Mother and weaving the Red Thread.

  • Forgiving and healing sister/witch/patriarchal wounds.

  • Addressing shadow and bringing it to light for healing and growth.

  • Ancestral and family pattern healing.

  • Releasing imposter syndrome and limiting self-beliefs.

  • Manifesting a new world created by feminine leadership.

  • Self-enquiry, intention and mission statement building.



Embodiment + Alchemy

  • Finding/freeing your voice and finding your own expression.

  • Nervous system regulation + embodiment.

  • Feminine archetypes exploration.

  • Guiding ritual and creating sacred space.

  • The great wheel of the year, cycles, lunation and astrological fundamentals.

  • Divine feminine devotion, altar and mandala weaving.

  • Sacred music, medicine songs, sound-scaping and guiding meditation.

  • Owning your own unique gifts and perspective as a facilitator.

  • Building concepts and theming your gatherings.

  • Ritual building.



Ritual + Community Building

  • Overcoming fear of judgement, rejection and being seen.

  • Weaving and calling circles together to build community and support.

  • Awareness of inclusivity, accessibility,  language and intersectional approach.

  • Pricing, marketing, community outreach and creating collaborative spaces.

  • Owning and crafting spaces for women to be vulnerable, celebrated, witnessed, seen and heard.

  • Practice spaces + circles with group support and feedback.

  • Getting your work 'out there'.

  • Sharing your message onwards!

Molly-Anne Chinner is a sound healing artist, vocalist, songstress, circle weaver, Cacao guardian, Earth-lover and Yogini (and the creatrix of The Sacred Sisterhood!)


Passionate about the ancient healing powers of sound, music, voice and plant medicine - Molly finds great joy in weaving her beloved crystal alchemy bowls, pure and soulful voice and hand-crafted shamanic drum into her uniquely ambient and explorative soundscapes that inspire deep connection and kinship of the heart.


Molly uniquely combines her ethereal channelled song with a lifelong connection to the beauty of our planet Earth - sharing deeply emotive, otherworldly soundscapes that guide the listener deeper within the inner landscape and invite connection with source, consciousness and self.


Her leadership with the Cacao medicine comes through a seven year initiation and deep relationship. She shares and serves the medicine from a place of heart-centered joy, calling in a new paradigm frequency of love and harmony, for a new Earth to rise.




Next intake begins September 2024

Show your interest by registering your details on the button below.

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what is the cost of training?

The full cost of the training is £888 payable over 4 x installations if needed.


We have 1 x community funded scholarship places to those under-represented or from low income circumstances. This scholarship place is £222.


We also have 1 x fully paid scholarship for BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, refugee applicants or those on exceptionally low income. Please contact us if you wish to be considered for a scholarship or a payment plan.


how many will be on the course?

There will be a total of 12 women in each cohort although there may be less than this depending on interest.


You will be split equally into 3 pods of 4 women to work a little more intimately and have deeper sharing space. You will also a 60 minute 1:2:1 guidance call from your course leader to help answer any questions you may have.


It's very important that you commit to the full course and all of the live calls which take place on Monday evenings 19:00 - 21:30.


If you are due to miss more than 1 of the live calls please consider taking this course another time. This is not a solo journey and the wholeness of the circle is integral. Missing live calls leaves holes in pod support groups and (although sometimes impossible to avoid) is undesirable for the group integrity.

will I be able to lead circles after?

This initiation will give you everything you need in order to hold safe, nourishing and tender containers. You may choose to hold intimate circles in your home for close friends and family or you might feel called to weave this training into a larger body of work to offer your unique gifts to the world.


This initiation is INTENSE - If you don't intend to finish within the 12 weeks that is completely fine! Take your time. You will have access to the course portal for a lifetime and can self-pace if you'd rather.


Either way, we aim to equip you fully to leave this training feeling confident to lead in the feminine way.

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