We are the wild and weyward women,
The daughters and sisters of the earth,
The ones who feel the tug of old ways within their blood
The witches,
The wise folk,
The medicine women,
Those who yearn for the woven path of deeply rooted wisdom,
Those ready to reclaim their ancestral powers
Ancient voices stirring deep within the collective soul.
We gather to remember,
We gather to celebrate one another and all we have not yet lost,
We gather to midwife a vision of a new world forward,
With the beating heart of the Great Mother beneath our feet
Calling us home
To belonging
To each other
To the pulse of our sacred hearts and wombs
To the wild songs of our ancestral lands
Do you feel it?
The Sacred Sisterhood is calling you home.

This is a space in which all of you is welcome,
Where you are called home into wholeness​
Into belonging
To yourself
To the Earth
And to your Sisters.
We live by the principles of the Earth
The song of the Great Mother
Wild winds of the North, South, East and West
Sun, Moon, Stars and Sky
The great beating heart of the cosmic dance.​
Every voice has value here
Every life experience
Everyone is equal
Because a circle has no sides
No top or bottom
But is simply an infinite red thread
That weaves us together
Heart to heart
Voice to voice
Womb to womb
Soul to soul
All of you is welcome here.